Manage ADHD symptoms at school
School administration and teachers can also help manage ADHD symptoms at school and provide support to children with ADHD in many ways. Read about ADHD signs and symptoms in detail here. There are numerous classroom accommodations to help children with manage ADHD symptoms at school. Below is a list of some of these accommodations:
- extending time on tests
- allowing the student to get up and move during class
- being seated away from doors or windows that may be distracting and offer seating position near the teacher
- coming up with a signal to get back their attention if they have drifted

Manage ADHD symptoms at school – What teachers can do
- giving clear, brief instructions
- breaking down tasks into smaller, manageable pieces.
- praise positive behaviours, such as staying seated, not calling out, taking turns, etc. to boost self-confidence
- notify parents about important due dates

A strategy that almost always works to manage ADHD symptoms at school is pairing the student with ADHD with a buddy to help them take out the right books, materials, and other important stuff before class starts. In addition, parents may need to collaborate with the school to let them know the kind of strategies you use at home and ask them to apply the same in school if possible. Besides, keeping track of your child’s performance and behaviour at school, involving teachers and helping them understand the problems precisely the child faces or struggles with, both in and outside the classroom, will allow the overall approach and treatment to be more comprehensive.